Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility

At Ego Pharmaceuticals, we have always looked to science to guide our decisions. We know through science we can improve skin health and wellbeing, and we can also improve the future for the planet and its people.

By working closely with our incredible team, and trusted suppliers and business partners, we have made significant progress towards our environmental sustainability goals in order to reduce our impact on the planet. We strive to be a responsible, sustainable and successful part of a global community and encourage other businesses to do the same.   

Our Pillars

Ego is proud to be a Participant of the UN Global Compact, joining 13,000+ businesses delivering measurable impact to the world’s most pressing challenges. Our participation in the UN Global Compact is in line with our company Values to always act ethically, to protect human rights and to work towards a sustainable future. We have used the UN Sustainable Development Goals to guide our Corporate Social Responsibility goals across the business.

The UN Sustainable Development Goals have been created to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity.

Ego’s own goals will ensure we use resources economically, manufacture more efficiently, reduce our waste and work together to manage our number one resource – our people. By setting goals, we can track and communicate our progress to our team and customers, as we strive to reach and surpass them.

We have prioritised the goals where we can implement change now, and will continue to follow science to make improvements and work to achieve more for a brighter future.

Responsible Affiliations

We are affiliated with these responsible and reputable organisations to help us achieve our goals:

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